Litigation Friend: We provide Litigation Friends for protected parties to support them through Civil Court, Family Court or the Court of Protection proceedings.

A Litigation Friend is someone can be appointed to make decisions in court on P's behalf if they lack capacity. Duties of a Litigation friend include; 

  • Making decisions in their best interests
  • Explaining the case and outcomes to P in a way that they can understand 
  • Find out about their wishes and feelings pertaining to the case
  • Liaise their solicitor about what’s happening, get advice from them and give instructions to them in the other person’s best interests

Our Litigation Friends are qualified IMCAs and/or RPRs with Litigation Friend experience.

Lasting Power of Attorney: A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows for a deputy to make decisions on your behalf when you lack capacity to do so yourself. We can help you understand the process, assist you to complete the applications, and submit to the office of the Public Guardian.

Advanced Decision to Refuse Treatment: An Advanced Decision is a binding document which sets out your wishes regarding refusal of treatment if you lack capacity. Libra can assist you in understanding your rights and help you explore your options.

McKenzie Friend: A McKenzie Friend is a layperson who supports you to represent yourself in court proceedings by assisting you in researching and planning your case. They can also attend court with you to provide moral support, but they do not provide advice or advocate for you whilst in court.

To request a spot-purchase for any of these services, or for more information, contact us


Libra Partnership is proud to provide the following Litigation Services on a spot-purchase basis. Please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more.